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A New Member Of The LITEC Roof System Family

The QL52 double pitch roof from LITEC is an evolution of their popular QL40A single pitch roof and could be just right for your medium-sized outdoor events.

Thanks to its double pitch construction, and use of QL52A load-bearing truss with fork connections, it looks great and provides stability you can count on, even when encountering winds that increase loading requirements.

Key benefits include:
• 15 x 12m roof structure (up to 11m height or 36ft )
• Grid constructed from LITEC’s QL52A high load, anti-torsion fork connection truss
• 6 x Maxitower 40 towers
• 7,000 kg UDL
• Optional PA/LED wall wings
• Covered technical areas available on request
• 8 hour set-up time with 5 riggers
